► Be advised that any and all information expressed by Shore Wellness Solutions regarding alternative/complimentary/holistic medicine (and other) ideas and approaches is meant only to provide educational information.
► Appreciate that information in Shore Wellness Solutions is not intended to replace the services of a health care provider or to act as a health diagnostic tool of any kind or in any way.
► Be aware that any therapy undertaken for physical, emotional or other aliments should be properly supervised by an experienced provider.
► Know also that if you feel you or others have medical, psychological or other problems, please consult with a competent health care provider before pursuing any of the information provided by Shore Wellness Solutions.
► Be aware that Shore Wellness Solutions and personages within Shore Wellness Solutions disclaim any responsibility arising from the use of information contained anywhere within or by Shore Wellness Solutions.
► Responsibility for viewing, reading and using any and all material contained in Shore Wellness Solutions is solely that of the viewer.
► Shore Wellness Solutions does not endorse external links,
but provides them for educational purposes only.
► Certain names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases on this page may constitute trademarks, service marks, or trade names of entities other than Shore Wellness Solutions which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. They are used for explanation, and to the owners' benefit without intent to infringe.
► Information furnished on this website is not meant to
diagnose, treat or cure illness. Consult a licenced
health practitioner.